Osmanthus fragrans is an Asian plant found in the Himalayas and a few countries, such as China and Taiwan, and is currently grown in Vietnam.
Osmanthus fragrans have many meanings in feng shui and oriental medicine, so it is often sold at a very high price, especially for perennial plants that can be up to billions of dong.
Characteristics of Osmanthus Fragrans
The tree has a small woody trunk; the height is from 3 to 12m, and the tree branches grow much and spread widely around. The leaves are thick, oval, serrated, dark green, and have prominent veins.
Osmanthus fragrans have fragrant flowers and blooms all year round, especially in autumn when the flowers bloom brilliantly, emitting an ecstatic fragrance that captivates people. Flowers grow in clusters and have many colors, such as white and light yellow. Osmanthus fragrans produce very few fruits, usually blooming in spring, and are small, green, and seeded.
Meaning of Osmanthus fragrans
The rustic appearance of Osmanthus fragrances is not as radiant as other trees, but the inside exudes aa bouquet with a unique beauty of an idyllic tree. The gentle colors of flowers with an intense aroma have entered the folk saying "Sacred tea and incense" has become a cultural feature of our Vietnamese people, with the image of dynamic and rustic Vietnamese people, not polished.
Osmanthus fragrans suitable age, what destiny?
Growing Osmanthus fragrans in the house will promote luck and fortune to the owner of all the destinies in the five elements. However, the color of Osmanthus fragrances with yellow and white will be especially suitable for par Kim.
Osmanthus fragrans will promote luck to the Kim par of the following years: Nham Than (1932, 1992), Quy Dau (1933, 1993), Canh Thin (1940, 2000), Tan Ty (1941, 2001), Giap Horse (1954, 2014), At Mui (1955, 2015), Nham Dan (1962), Quy Mao (1963), Canh Tuat (1970), Tan Hoi (1971), Giap Ty (1984), At Suu (1985).